Hi!  I’m Christine.  I am a wanderlust at heart who thrives on exploration, art, history, and music.  For me, there is nothing better than exploring the unknown, whether it's a small town in the middle of nowhere, or a first time visit to a historically significant city.  I revel in the little details, appreciate the different perspectives, and learn from the cultural differences.

While I was raising my children, all vacations and travel revolved around their figure skating competitions, Scottish Highland Games competitions, and school band events.  As much as I loved seeing the world thru their eyes, now that they're grown, I'm learning to love travel thru my own lens.  Because I believe one should enjoy the journey as much as the destination, I've been combining landmark music venues and multi-day festivals into my own itinerary and that has made for some amazing trips.

There's so much to learn about the world we live in and the best way to do that is to get out there and EXPLORE!  Let’s start creating YOUR TRAVEL JOURNEY!

Meet Your Agent

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood… I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
- Robert Frost